This August I decided to go to a Women of Faith conference in Indy. I had hoped my friend Laurie would be able to go too, but it didn't work out. Two weeks before the conference I decided I wasn't going to let that stop me from going. I wanted to go just that badly. This years Indy lineup included Lisa Harper, Angela Thomas, Liz Curtis Higgs, Sheila Walsh, CeCe Winans, Third Day, Mark Lowry, Gateway Worship, and ANGIE SMITH. Yeah, she was the deciding factor for me. I have wanted too hear her speak for the last 2 1/2 years.
I was able to choose my actual seat on the website, so I went with one that was the 2nd from the aisle. I do not like to be closed in! So, I left work Friday at 5 and headed East. I got there, parked, and went into Banker's Life Fieldhouse, then got nervous. Who in the world would I be sitting by? Would I lose it when Angie spoke? Totally worried for nothing. I've got to remember that God's got this! All I have to do is be obedient. He'll take care of the rest. When I got to my seat there were two ladies already there. I put my stuff down and they smiled and asked my name and where I was from. They were from Naperville, IL. One was a photographer and had a list of places she wanted to go. I was able to warn her off of one, and suggest another. They were so nice and just kind of adopted me in. They weren't as familiar with the artists as I was. You should know that I have a freakish memory and most of these people I had seen at Praise Gathering at one time or another. They would ask who someone was and I was able to fill them in a little. I'm fairly sure they think I'm a crackpot. Ha!! 😏😬😜 oh, well.
7,000 + women worshipping an awesome God.
The conference was Friday night 7:30-10ish and Saturday 9-5. There was not a single disappointment the entire time. The 1st night CeCe brought The. House. Down! If you have never heard her live you are missing out! This woman has joy resonating from her. Amazing!
The theme was Believe that God Can Do Anything. The speakers talked of doubts and messed up lives and faking it. They told personal stories from their lives. Lives that were difficult and messy and sometimes ugly. Lives that are being transformed by God. You want to know why these women have such a huge following? It's because they are real. They are honest about their struggles. They have lived through pain and grief and different types of abuse, and they are willing to put themselves out there. They speak of the pain. They talk about the hard stuff. They tell about messing up. Not just in the past but now too. They are real women with real lives and real struggles. They are obedient to God in sharing their lives to help others.
Angela Thomas, Sheila Walsh, Lisa Harper, Angie Smith, Liz Curtis Higgs
Liz Curtis Higgs. She used to be a DJ in Indy before Bob and Tom!
Lisa Harper. She is adopting a sweet girl, Missy, from Haiti.
Angela Thomas. She once yelled to her high school aged son, during a football game, to "Be the Sunshine"!!!
Mac Powell from Third Day.
Their shoes. Are. You. Kidding. Me?!! I couldn't walk across my living room in them let alone up steps and all around a stage! Lori, if you're reading this, I totally thought of you when I saw them!
Sheila Walsh. Could listen to her accent all day
Yep. I got to meet her! I didn't say one single thing except to thank her after the pictures were taken. I'm such a dork! 😜😳
Seriously, if you get a chance go to one of these conferences. Don't worry who's there or who's not, God will take care of that. He knows what we need to hear better than we do.
Also, one evening about 5 days later, we had a double rainbow. It was the brightest rainbow I've ever seen! I actually walked down the road to grab some pics wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, barefoot! Again, I'm a dork. Lol!
It was a gorgeous evening.