Tons of stuff going on around here the last month. Peyton and Paige turned 10, Reese is 3 months. We’ve passed a cold around the family. P&P&me went to see “Footloose” at Beef-n-Boards Dinner Theater in Indy for their 10th BDay. It was great! If you ever get a chance to go over, do. It’s worth it. The 3 of us had a great time. They had parties all thru-out February. Ice Skating party, many family parties, pudding at wednesday night Church, dinner at El Toro. All kinds of things. Reese is rolling over from belly to back. She’s mostly sleeping through the night. Evenings are still a little rough ;) and she’s a world class spitter! In spite of the spitting up she’s getting chunky thighs and cheeks. That’s new for us. We’re kind of used to scrawny babies. Sandy is back to work prn. James is at the Police Training Institute in Champaign. I’m still waiting on the final step of becoming a licensed foster parent. Don’t get in a hurry if you’re planning on joining/doing something involving state politics! Not gonna happen! Anyway, the bathroom is finished and grandma’s room has a crib and a twin bed in it and has been painted yellow. It’s decorated with hot air balloons and the alphabet. Here are a few pictures from the month. It wasn’t a slow one!